The most overlooked weight loss remedy is staring us in the face. It is well-known and highly publicized. Yet, despite the incredible benefits we choose to look the other way because it is something we don’t really want to do.
Just consider the proven benefits of this most overlooked of all weight loss remedies:
Adds 3 - 7 years to your life
- Reduces cancer risk
- Reduces diabetes risk
- Reduces risk of heart disease
- Strengthens bones
- Enhances your mind power
- Boosts energy
- Reduces stress
- Improves appearance
- Increases stamina
- Improves disposition
- Speeds up weight loss
Wow! Those are some impressive benefits. So, why would we want to intentionally avoid something that would do so much good for us? Why look the other way?
By now you have probably figured out the overlooked weight loss remedy of which I speak. Yes, it’s the dreaded “E-Word.” EXERCISE! I know, “Anything but that!”
According to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Physical Activity Guide, adults from 18 to 64 should be getting in 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Moderate exercise consists of brisk walking or light aerobics. The report also suggests a more vigorous regimen that only requires 1 hour and 15 minutes per week engaging in such activities as running, swimming, or cycling.
As we look away for a magic bullet to solve our weight loss problems we are missing out on the best thing for us. I suppose that the thought of dieting brings out the child in us. It’s like when mom used to make us eat spinach. “Eat it because it’s good for you.”
Most of our choices are based on the way it makes us feel as opposed to what it actually does. If we could only learn to look at the big picture and to consider the long term benefits. How will what you are doing today effect your tomorrow.
Living for the moment with no regard for the future is dangerous business. As the old expression goes, “If you fail to plan you plan to fail.” You may counter with, “But we are not guaranteed tomorrow” or “you can’t know what tomorrow brings.” I would have to agree with your response. But you can have an infinitely greater chance of success if you seek an intentional outcome.
There are some things about your future that you can predict with some accuracy. For example, if you do drugs, drink heavily, and smoke cigarettes you can predict that there is a high probability that you will have a shortened life and die from a dread disease. If you overeat and refuse to exercise you will become obese, prone to severe health problems, and die an unpleasant and untimely death.
How often I have heard somebody use the excuse that they saw no point in exercise because they personally knew of someone who was in the best of health and ran marathons…but died of a heart attack at age 40. Certainly there are exceptions but why intentionally put yourself in a high risk statistical group?
What kind of older person do you want to be? Do you want to be old and bitter, griping and complaining, miserable, unhealthy, overweight, and without the capacity to remain active? Well, of course not. But you and I both know plenty of folks who are that way.
I think we would all do well to think more about the way we shall be than the way that we are. Want to remain active, energetic, fun to be with, bright of mine, relevant, and valuable to your world? Then think to your future.
Thinking to the future in regard to your diet will help you to cease to look the other way on choices that are in your best long term interest. Exercise is so much more attractive when we see beyond the hard work and discipline to the vibrant and healthy life it produces.
Take a look at that wonderful person you will become. Think to the future!
By: Richard Weirich