10 reasons why the Mediterranean diet is good for you

Low in saturated fat doctors and nutritionists all over the world all d agree that a diet rich in saturated fats, can be very negative impact on a person's health and well-being.
Indeed, a diet that is high in saturated fat can cause a person to suffer heart disease, can lead to cancer and can cause a whole host of other health problems and concern.

The Mediterranean diet is due to the fact that it is very poor remarkably in saturated fat.
The typical person who follows the Mediterranean diet intakes less than eight percent of his or her calories from potentially harmful saturated fat.

This is well below the average of the people who are not on a system of Mediterranean diet.

Another reason why the Mediterranean diet is good for you lies in the fact that the diet includes the consumption of a significant amount of fruit and vegetables.
In fact, the diet includes fresh fruit and vegetables than any other diet program or plan today.

Fresh fruits and vegetables have a significant beneficial effect on a person's health and wellbeing.
Those who followed the Mediterranean diet consume and large portions of fruit and vegetables a day have a lower incidence of certain diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

High in Whole Grains and Fiber

A benefit in the Mediterranean diet is found in the fact that it lowers in the incidence of certain types of cancer.
One reason that the Mediterranean diet reduces cancer incidence is that the diet is rich in whole grains and fiber.
Both whole grain and fiber have proven to lower the incidence of cancer, including colorectal cancer.
High in antioxidants, the Mediterranean diet is rich in antioxidants.
Anti-oxidants play a significant role in maintaining the body -- including organs, muscles and skin -- in top condition.
A diet rich in antioxidants is believed that a person live longer and healthier life.

Low in Red Meat

Because the Mediterranean diet is low in red meat, the diet plan works to reduce the amount of "bad cholesterol.
\"A diet low in cholesterol \" decreases bad \"incidence of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and stroke.

High in Lean Meats

The Mediterranean diet includes lean meats in moderate portions.
The appropriate amount of lean meat - including fish and shellfish and some fish - is a source of healthy protein and energy for a person.

Low in Dairy

The Mediterranean diet is low in dairy products.
In fact, the realistic to the Mediterranean diet, almost none of the milk products at all.
Any dairy that is included in the diet is low fat or non fat.
Because the diet is low in milk, particularly fatty milk products, nutrition promotes a person to obtain or maintain ideal weight.
Additionally, the diet aids in reducing cholesterol and works to prevent heart disease.
Prevent disease, as mentioned, one reason that the Mediterranean diet good for you is that the diet plan seems to reduce the directory incidence of some diseases, including: - heart and cardiovascular diseases - Cancer - Diabetes - hypertension - diabetes longevity The history of the peoples of the Mediterranean region shows that the Mediterranean diet, to extend the life of a person works.
In addition, while working to extend a person's life, this diet scheme works to ensure that a person's longer life will be healthy as well.
A practical diet plan, including the Mediterranean diet is good for you because it is a diet plan costs.
In order to follow the Mediterranean diet you do not need to buy any special products or prepare a unique and hard to manage diet plan.
If it is used with moderate exercise is an excellent way to lose weight while staying healthy.

By: duanme0vca